Project APIFor purposes of this API description, all URLs are relative to the base url of http://localhost:8080/vin Also, all data is in JSON format. A GET request will return JSON. A PUT or POST will submit a JSON document. To keep things simple, no authentication is required to access any resource. Subscriber
POST /subCreates a subscriber account. Returns the id of the account created and an array of errors. HTTP response codes: 201 (Created), 'Location' header with link to /sub/account/{id} containing new ID. Resource URL/sub Parametersemail (required): subscriber email address; must be unique across accounts. name (required): subscriber name (first last). phone (required): subscriber phone number. address (required): subscriber address. facebook (optional): facebook name. twitter (optional): twitter username. Example RequestPOST http://localhost:8080/vin/sub Here is data being POST-ed { "email": "", "name": "Jane Doe", "phone": "123-456-7890", "address": { "street": "123 Main ST, Apt 2F", "city": "Anytown", "state": "Anystate", "zip": "12345" }, "facebook": "", "twitter": "" } Example Response{ "id": 345, "errors": [] } Here is another example { "id": null, "errors": [ { "code": 789, "message": "State must be specified" }, { "code": 790, "message": "invalid email address" } ] } PUT /sub/{uid}Updates a subscriber account identified by {uid}. Returns an array of errors. HTTP response codes: 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid} Parametersemail (required): subscriber email address; must be unique across accounts. name (required): subscriber name (first last). phone (required): subscriber phone number. address (required): subscriber address. facebook (optional): facebook name. twitter (optional): twitter username. Example RequestPUT http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345 Here is data being PUT { "email": "", "name": "Jane Doe", "phone": "123-456-7890", "address": { "street": "123 Main ST, STE A", "city": "Anytown", "state": "Anystate", "zip": "12345" }, "facebook": "", "twitter": "" } Example Response{ "errors": [] } GET /sub/{uid}Returns account information for the subscriber identified by {uid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid} ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345 Example Response{ "email": "", "name": "Jane Doe", "phone": "123-456-7890", "address": { "street": "123 Main ST, STE A", "city": "Anytown", "state": "Anystate", "zip": "12345" }, "facebook": "", "twitter": "" } GET /sub/{uid}/search[?q=query_string]Returns an array of wine IDs, array of note IDs, and shipments IDs that contain the query_string. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). Resource URL/sub/{uid}/search Parametersq (optional): query string (aka keyword) used for search, if none specified, then everything matches. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/search?q=red Example Response{ "wines": [ { "id": 123, "label_name": "The Mission" }, { "id": 124, "label_name": "Joseph Phelps Cabernet Sauvignon 2012" } ], "notes": [], "shipments": [ { "id": 145, "selection_month": "Mar/2015" } ] } GET /sub/{uid}/shipmentsReturns an array of shipments for the subscriber identified by {uid}. For each shipment return the status, e.g. "delivered", "cancelled", "returned". HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/shipments ParametersNone. In a future incarnation of this project, parameters may include a start and end date. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/shipments Example Response{ "shipments": [ { "id": 131, "selection_month": "Jan/2015", "status": "delivered" }, { "id": 139, "selection_month": "Feb/2015", "status": "cancelled" }, { "id": 145, "selection_month": "Mar/2015", "status": "delivered" } ] } GET /sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}Returns detailed information about the shipment identified by {sid} for subscriber identified by {uid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {sid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid} ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/shipments/139 Example Response{ "selection_month": "Feb/2015", "status": "cancelled", "date": "13-Feb-2015", "type": "AR", "wines": [ { "id": 123, "label_name": "The Mission" }, { "id": 124, "label_name": "Joseph Phelps Cabernet Sauvignon 2012" }, { "id": 125, "label_name": "Round Pond Estate Rutherford" }, { "id": 126, "label_name": "Dona Paula Black Label" }, { "id": 127, "label_name": "Schug Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir" }, { "id": 128, "label_name": "Caymus Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon " } ] } PUT /sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}Update the monthly shipment information for subscriber identified by {uid}. {sid} is a shipment that hasn't been delivered yet. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {sid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid} ParametersNone. Example RequestPUT http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/shipments/139 Here is data being PUT { "delivery_day": "Tue", "time_of_day": "AM" } Example ResponseThere is no body to this response. GET /sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}/notesReturns an array of notes IDs for the subscriber {sid} and shipment {sid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {sid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}/notes ParametersNone. In a future incarnation of this project, parameters may include a start and end date. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/shipments/139/notes Example Response{ "notes": [ { "id": 790, "date": "14-Feb-2015", "content": "The Mission is a fantastic red." } ] } POST /sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}/notesCreates a new note for the {sid} shipment. Returns the ID for the newly created note. HTTP response codes: 201 (Created), 'Location' header with link to /sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}/notes{nid} containing new ID. 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {sid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}/notes Parameterscontent (required): the note content. Example RequestPOST http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/shipments/139 Here is the data being POST-ed. { "content": "I love this Dona Paula Black Label. Great after taste, fantastic finish." } Example Response{ "id": 791 } GET /sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}/notes/{nid}Returns the detail for shipment note identified by {nid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {sid} not found or invalid OR if {nid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}/notes/{nid} ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/shipments/139/notes/791 Example Response{ "date": "15-Mar-2015", "content": "I love this Dona Paula Black Label. Great after taste, fantastic finish." } PUT /sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}/notes/{nid}Updates the content of note {nid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {sid} not found or invalid OR if {nid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}/notes/{nid} Parameterscontent (required): the note content. Example RequestPUT http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/shipments/139/notes/791 Here is the data being PUT. { "content": "I love this Dona Paula Black Label. Great after taste, fantastic finish. Great ratings all around!" } Example ResponseThere is no body for this response. DELETE /sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}/notes/{nid}Deletes the note identified by {nid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {sid} not found or invalid OR if {nid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/shipments/{sid}/notes/{nid} ParametersNone. Example RequestDELETE http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/shipments/139/notes/791 Example ResponseThere is no body for this response. GET /sub/{uid}/winesReturns an array of wine IDs shipped to this subscriber {uid}. For each wine include the label name. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/wines ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/wines Example ResponseTo be posted soon. GET /sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}Returns detail for the wine {wid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {wid} not found or invalid OR if {wid} refers to a wine that was never shipped to {uid}. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/wines/{wid} ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/wines/123 Example ResponseTo be posted soon. GET /sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/notesReturns an array of note IDs created by {uid} for wine {wid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {wid} not found or invalid OR if {wid} refers to a wine that was never shipped to {uid}. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/notes ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/wines/123/notes Example ResponseTo be posted soon. POST /sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/notesCreates a note for wine {wid}. HTTP response codes: 201 (Created), 'Location' header with link to /sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/notes/{nid} containing new ID. 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {wid} not found or invalid OR if {wid} refers to a wine that was never shipped to {uid}. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/notes ParametersNone. Example RequestPOST http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/wines/123/notes Example ResponseTo be posted soon. GET /sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/notes/{nid}Returns the detail of note {nid} created by {uid} for wine {wid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {wid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/notes/{nid} ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/wines/123/notes/837 Example ResponseTo be posted soon. PUT /sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/notes/{nid}Update note {nid} created by {uid} for wine {wid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {wid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/notes/{nid} Parameterscontent (required): the note content. Example RequestPUT http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/wines/123/notes/837 Example ResponseTo be posted soon. DELETE /sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/notes/{nid}Remove note {nid} created by {uid} for wine {wid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {wid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/notes/{nid} ParametersNone. Example RequestDELETE http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/wines/123/notes/837 Example ResponseTo be posted soon. GET /sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/ratingGet the rating for {wid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {wid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/rating ParametersNone. Example RequestPUT http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/wines/123/rating Example ResponseTo be posted soon. POST /sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/ratingSubmit a rating for {wid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid OR if {wid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/wines/{wid}/rating ParametersNone. Example RequestPOST http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/wines/123/rating Example ResponseTo be posted soon. GET /sub/{uid}/deliveryReturns delivery information for {uid}, e.g. day of the week and AM/PM. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/delivery ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/delivery Example Response{ "dow": "Fri", "tod": "AM" } PUT /sub/{uid}/deliveryUpdates delivery information for {uid}, e.g. day of the week and AM/PM. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {uid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/sub/{uid}/delivery Parametersdow (required): day of the week for delivery; valid values are Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat. tod (required): time of day; valid values are AM, PM. Example RequestPUT http://localhost:8080/vin/sub/345/delivery Here is the data being PUT. { "dow": "Fri", "tod": "PM" } Example ResponseThere is no body for this response. Admin
POST /adminCreates a new administrator. HTTP response codes: 201 (Created), 'Location' header with link to /admin{aid} containing new ID. Resource URL/admin Parametersname (required): e.g. Alice Admin Example RequestPOST http://localhost:8080/vin/admin Here is the data being POST-ed. { "name": "Alice Admin" } Example Response{ "id": 617 } GET /adminReturns an array of administrator IDs. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found). Resource URL/admin ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/admin Example Response{ "admins": [ { "id": 613, "name": "Default Admin" }, { "id": 617, "name": "Alice Admin" } ] } PUT /admin/{aid}Updates information for {aid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {aid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/admin{aid} Parametersname (required). Example RequestPUT http://localhost:8080/admin/613 Here is the data being PUT. { "name": "Bob Admin" } Example ResponseThere is no body for this response. GET /admin/{aid}Returns detailed information for the administrator {aid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found). Resource URL/admin/{aid} ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/admin/613 Example Response{ "id": 617, "name": "Alice Admin", "create_date": "20140413", "created_by": 613 } GET /admin/revenueReturns the wine club revenue since the beginning of time, unless a start and/or end date are specified. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). Resource URL/admin/revenue[?start=YYYYMMDD&end=YYYYMMDD] Parametersstart (optional): a date in YYYYMMDD format. end (optional): a date in YYYYMMDD format. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/admin/revenue?start=20150302&end=20150317 Example Response{ "units_delivered": 98, "units_returned": 1, "wine_revenue": 5819.03, "delivery_revenue": 582.97 } GET /admin/monthly_selectionReturns an array of monthly selections IDs with month information. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found). Resource URL/admin/monthly_selection ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/admin/monthly_selection Example Response{ "monthly_selection": [ { "id": 853, "selection_month": "Feb/2015", "type": "AR" }, { "id": 854, "selection_month": "Feb/2015", "type": "AW" }, { "id": 855, "selection_month": "Feb/2015", "type": "RW" }, { "id": 862, "selection_month": "Mar/2015", "type": "AR" }, { "id": 863, "selection_month": "Mar/2015", "type": "AW" }, { "id": 864, "selection_month": "Mar/2015", "type": "RW" } ] } POST /admin/monthly_selectionCreates a new monthly selection. HTTP response codes: 201 (Created), 'Location' header with link to /admin/{mid} containing the newly created id. Resource URL/admin/monthly_selection Parameterstype (required): e.g. AR, AW, RW. selection_month (required): the month for which the selection is created, MMM/YYYY format wines (required): an array of wines that are part of this monthly selection. Example RequestPOST http://localhost:8080/vin/admin/monthly_selection Here is the data being POST-ed. { "type": "AR", "selection_month": "Feb/2015", "wines": [ { "variety": "RED", "wine_type": "TABLE", "label_name": "The Mission", "grape": "Merlot", "region": "Napa", "country": "USA", "maker": "Sterling", "year": "2014" }, { "variety": "RED", "wine_type": "TABLE", "label_name": "Joseph Phelps Cabernet Sauvignon 2012", "grape": "Cabernet Sauvignon", "region": "Napa", "country": "USA", "maker": "Joseph Phelps", "year": "2012" }, { "variety": "RED", "wine_type": "TABLE", "label_name": "Round Pond Estate Rutherford", "grape": "Cabernet Sauvignon", "region": "Napa", "country": "USA", "maker": "Rutherford", "year": "2014" }, { "variety": "RED", "wine_type": "TABLE", "label_name": "Dona Paula Black Label", "grape": "Bordeaux", "region": "", "country": "Argentina", "maker": "Dona Paula", "year": "2013" }, { "variety": "RED", "wine_type": "TABLE", "label_name": "Schug Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir", "grape": "Pinot Noir", "region": "Sonoma Valley", "country": "USA", "maker": "Walter Schug", "year": "2013" }, { "variety": "RED", "wine_type": "TABLE", "label_name": "Caymus Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon", "grape": "Cabernet Sauvignon", "region": "Napa Valley", "country": "USA", "maker": "Charles F. Wagner", "year": "2014" } ] } Example Response{ "id": 853 } GET /admin/monthly_selection/{mid}Returns detailed information about the monthly selection identified by {mid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if {mid} not found or invalid. Resource URL/admin/monthly_selection/{mid} ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/admin/monthly_selection/853 Example Response{ "id": 853, "selection_month": "Feb/2015", "type": "AR", "create_date": "20150115", "created_by": 613, "wines": [ { "id": 123, "label_name": "The Mission" }, { "id": 124, "label_name": "Joseph Phelps Cabernet Sauvignon 2012" }, { "id": 125, "label_name": "Round Pond Estate Rutherford" }, { "id": 126, "label_name": "Dona Paula Black Label" }, { "id": 127, "label_name": "Schug Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir" }, { "id": 128, "label_name": "Caymus Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon " } ] } Delivery PartnerGET /partnerReturns an array of subscribers to whom a monthly selection needs to be delivered. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found). Resource URL/partner ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/partner Example Response{ "deliver_to": [ { "name": "Jane Doe", "phone": "123-456-7890", "email": "", "address": { "street": "123 Main ST, Apt 2F", "city": "Anytown", "state": "Anystate", "zip": "12345" }, "dow": "Mon", "tod": "PM", "type": "AR" }, { "name": "John Smith", "phone": "312-456-7890", "email": "", "address": { "street": "200 West 31st Street, Apt 1R", "city": "Chicago", "state": "IL", "zip": "60616" }, "dow": "", "tod": "PM", "type": "AW" } ] } POST /receiptCreates a delivery receipt. HTTP response codes: 201 (Created), 'Location' header with link to /receipt/{rid} containing the newly created id. Parametersname (required): the name of the person receiving the delivery. Example RequestPOST http://localhost:8080/vin/receipt Here is the data being POST-ed. { "name": "Anna Kosta" } Example Response{ "id": 907 } GET /receiptReturns an array of receipts. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found). Resource URL/receipt ParametersNone for this project. In a commercial product you'd probably want to have a query string such that you return only receipts that match the query string, and/or a start and end date to narrow down the number of receipts you're getting back from the server. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/receipt Example Response{ "receipts": [ { "id": 901, "date": "20150213", "subscriber": 345, "name": "Jane Doe" }, { "id": 907, "date": "20150213", "subscriber": 361, "name": "Sam Brown" } ] } GET /receipt/{rid}Get detail information for the delivery receipt identified by {rid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found). Resource URL/receipt/{rid} ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/receipt/907 Example Response{ "id": 907, "date": "20150213", "time": "10:12 AM", "subscriber": 361, "name": "Sam Brown", "received_by": "Anna Kosta" } OtherGET /wines/{wid}Returns detailed information for the wine identified by {wid}. HTTP response code: 200 (OK). 404 (Not Found). Resource URL/wines/{wid} ParametersNone. Example RequestGET http://localhost:8080/vin/wines/127 Example Response{ "id": 127, "variety": "RED", "wine_type": "TABLE", "label_name": "Schug Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir", "grape": "Pinot Noir", "region": "Sonoma Valley", "country": "USA", "maker": "Walter Schug", "year": "2013", "ratings_count": 37, "rating": 4.8 }
$Id: project-api.html,v 1.6 2015/04/14 21:30:51 virgil Exp $ |