CS 455: Data Communications
Instructor: Dr. Marius D. Soneru
- Rice Office: room 230, telephone 630-682-6034
- MC Office: room SB110, telephone 312-567-5719
- Email: soneru@iit.edu
- Office hours: Tuesday: MC 12:40 to 1:40 p.m Thursday: MC 5:00 to 6:15 p.m.
Other hours by appointment
TA: Mr. Xufei Mao
- MC Office: room SB 019B, telephone 312-567-5869
- Email: xmao3@iit.edu
- Office hours: Tuesday: 12:00 to 1:00 p.m Wednesday: 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Other hours by appointment
High level objectives
- Provide the student with an overall perspective of data communications by covering the fundamentals of transmitting data from a source to one or more destinations utilizing standard protocols operating over networks with various topologies.
- The emphasis is on point-to-point Wide Area Networks, including the Internet, and multiple access Local Area Networks.
Specific objectives
- Understand the operation of multi-layered protocols, particularly the OSI and Internet models/architectures, and how standards evolve.
- Describe the difference between different network topologies, including packet and circuit switched, LANs and WANs, and identify and describe networks that apply to each network type.
- Understand the basic concepts of the Physical Layer, including physical media, encoding/modulation, multiplexing, error control, and their implementation in various commercial networks.
- Describe the basic operation of the Data Link Layer, including connection oriented versus connectionless protocols, retransmission algorithms, windows and flow control, and their implementations in various networks.
- Describe the basic operation of the network layer, including addressing and routing.
- Describe the basic operation of TCP/UDP, including connection establishment and release, buffered transfer, adaptive retransmission, and congestion and flow control.
- Describe LAN architectures and their implementations
- Introduce Application layer concepts, including commercial Internet protocols and client-server technologies.
- Introduce special issues, including security, performance, and quality of service from a technical and ethical viewpoint.
- Tie in all above concepts to describe the global data telecommunications network.
- CS455 is a senior course in Computer Science and as such expects from its students a reasonable level of mathematical and and computing sophistication.
- Physical phenomena such as electrical signals are discussed but no background beyond high school physics is assumed.
- Discussion of the software aspects of data communications assumes a knowledge of: operating systems, data structures, and the organization of reasonably complicated programs.
- CS450 or an equivalent course is a pre-requisite.
- Halsall, Fred, Computer Networking and the Internet, Fifth Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2005.
Course notes
- The course notes will be posted on Blackboard.
Please use blackboard.iit.edu to access other course materials as well.
Homework assignments
- There will be regular homework assignments and the assignments are due two weeks after the day of the assignment; late submission will be penalized.
- A project will be assigned.
- There will be a midterm about the 7th week; the exact date bill be announced at least two weeks in advance.
A final exam will be given at the end of the semester.
- The final grade for the course will be based upon the total number of points, allocated as follows:
Midterm 30%; Project 15%; Homework assignments 20%; Final exam 35%.
Grade distribution will be as follows: 90 <= A; 80 <= B < 90; 70 <= C < 80; 65 <= D < 70
Edited Jan 23rd, 2008 (html, css checks)